Thursday, April 23, 2009

Science stories of the week

I read so many science and news stories that is it is difficult to keep track of them. And there is no point in reading them if I don’t track them and remember them. Therefore, I decided to keep a record of all the stories that interest me. Then I thought that rather than storing them on my hard disk, its better to have them on my blog, where everyone can see the stories I liked and maybe some of them will interest you too!

I am planning to update this blog about once a week with the stories I liked. Hopefully that will be about the right duration in terms of amount of content.

Well, here goes nothing then-

1. New discovery may end transplant rejection

My comment: May be crucial for medical science, although I am sure there is a long way to go before this becomes practical

2. A Japanese company is preparing limited mass production of a cybernetic bodysuit which dramatically increases user strength up to ten times

My comment: This is just cool! I would love one of these-and they are not that expensive either!

3. Are human beings organisms or living ecosystems?

My comment- Rather interesting- could explain a lot of things!

4. 1. Supercomputer for rent....

My comment-was always going to happen…

5. US grid penetrated by spies

My comment-scares the hell out of me…but isn’t surprising, really…

6. Car with the power of a hairdryer that can reach upto 60 mph

My comment-These kind of things are the future of automotives..

7. Shooting particles in the air to prevent global warming

My comment- I think that it is one of these innovative solutions that will solve global warming for us, cutting back on consumption is never gonna happen..

8. PG&E makes deal for solar power from space

My comment- It is high time we looked for such out-of-the-world(literally!) power sources

9. Work progresses on 10,000 year clock

My comment-I would love it if our generation makes something that future generations remember us by for 10,000 years!

10. Pirate Bay Trial Ends In Jail Sentences

My comment-Now this is something I followed closely, and the judgment really upset me, though I have to admit it was only fair.

11. Louisiana Rep. Preps State Bill Banning Human-Animal Hybrids

My comment- Well, can’t blame the guy- everyone’s afraid of an island of Dr. Moreau, but in my opinion, banning doesn’t work!

12. Device Keeps Lungs Breathing Outside the Body

My comment- One more thing with considerable potential benefit, but again, just a stepping stone.

13. Species of ants that reproduce by cloning- no men required!

My comment- one more of the emerging studies showing that men really aren’t required, after they had made sperm from female bone marrow.. 

14.Skin computers

My comment- we are slowly but steadily moving towards human-computer interfaces!


Blogger Amritha R said...

PG&E makes deal for solar power from space

Your comment- It is high time we looked for such out-of-the-world(literally!) power sources

My comment: Hey! That was my idea

9:10 AM  
Anonymous Renu Jain said...

Very different idea, comments are quite interesting, enjoyed reading

2:04 AM  
Blogger sameer said...

nice post thank for sharing this.
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3:06 AM  

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